And that is that.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
As you may know, I am a benefit auctioneer. This means I go into fundraising auctions and auction things off. I try to record one video a year so I can critique myself and get better. Here is an auction from yesterday compared with the same auction from last year.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
First Snow 2010
I tend to by a cynic when it comes to weather predictions.
If the weatherman says, "We will see 5 inches of snow" and it's early November, I assume that it will all be melted by 2pm. I was wrong.
Knowing this morning was going to be Saturday, I had closed my black out shades so we could sleep in. Around 9:00 I rose out of bed and opened the shades to find a winter wonderland. Nate kept saying, "I feel like the double rainbow guy only with snow." NOTE: if you don't know the double rainbow guy, visit youtube.
Although, I have an auction to prepare for tonight, Nate and I have spent the morning lounging with our fire place filled with candles. Perfect for the first snow.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Now, you may want to ask me, "Why is this significant?" That is a good question.
As you may or may not know, Nate and I take care of my grandmother, Gloria. If I had to describe Gloria in two words it would be: eternal optimist. If, however, I had to describe Gloria in one word it would be: Republican.
The three men she admires the most are Jesus, Harold MacDermott (aka Grandpa Mac) and Ronald Reagan.
She's not just a voting republican, but a passionate and committed republican. When she's not listening to FOX news she has it on mute with subtitles while she listens to Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity. Normally this "noise" bothers me, but I couldn't let it get to me today. We walked past her tonight as she patiently waited for the results and Nate tenderly whispered in my ear, "Awe, she's so excited." She was like an elementary schooler waiting to hear if her class won their Spirit Day.
She has been waiting for this election since Obama was voted in as President of the United States, and yet she is in bed before the results for Minnesota have been fully announced. Tiring easily is one of the things that bothers her the most about getting old.
I am tracking the election online for her since it is a process too new and complicated for her. I'll leave her a post-it with the results in the morning.
"Most bad government has grown out of too much government."
-Thomas Jefferson
For Gloria. The bravest and most passionate women I have ever known.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Still Camping.
Perhaps I'm so inconsistent with posting because I really feel that Fall is the best time to mention in Minnesota. We are now into October. The trees are warm shades and the air is brisk. It is peaceful.
I wanted to share pictures from our last camping trip to the North Shore. The weekend was perfect, but the nights were freezing!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Apple Pie
It's still summer officially, but in my mind it is already fall. I bought a beautiful autumn wreath to hang on my door and recently baked an apple pie. My apple pies are absolutely heavenly. As I was making it, Nate told me I put too many apples in. He was convinced it was going to overflow or burst or have a burnt crust with an uncooked middle or something else equally dramatic. I refused to listen to his input. I kept piling on the apple bits covered in sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg until I could pile no more. I waited 50 minutes until my plump pie of perfection was finished. It was delicious and I even gained Nate's approval. I plan to make many more pies this season.
Monday, August 30, 2010
I have now been married for a little over 5 weeks. I think it's funny when people ask me how it is. Of course it's fabulous; we're in the honeymooner's stage. However, I plan on letting our honeymooner's stage last several decades.
Nate and I sharing a dance with my parents at our wedding in St. Paul.

Today is my parents' 25th Wedding Anniversary. Obviously they have been in love for quite some time. I would argue that they are still in their honeymooner stage. It embarrassed me in high school when my parents would make out in the kitchen in front of us and our friends or make sexual innuendoes with one another. Now I find it endearing. At ages 50 and 54, they are still wildly attracted to one another. It's not because my dad is an everyday George Clooney and my mom a Christie Brinkley. They are normal people without personal stylists and trainers. Although they have aged well and keep with the trends as they see fit, they are still just normal. But their red hot chemistry is something I don't see in many other marriages. You could read articles and articles on "how to keep your relationship sizzling hot" and still not get it. Here's what I have observed that my folks do:
1. They are affectionate. They still hold hands at the mall. Like I mentioned before, they kiss passionately in public. It's not a gross kiss, but one that says, "baby, I love you." I remember my mom telling me one Valentines Day, "You know, your dad doesn't buy me expensive gifts all the time or bring me home flowers or write me poetry, but at the end of the day when he holds me I KNOW he loves me. That is important." It is so romantic.
2. They go on dates. At least once a week they make it a priority to spend time together alone. Usually this means going out to dinner. Some nights though, it's just getting a drink and an appetizer at Kincaid's or going shopping together or going to see some live music. Just a chance to talk and be together with out kids monopolizing the conversation.
3. They put each other first. Aside from their relationships with God. However, their relationship came before us kids. When my dad would come home from work or after dinner my parents would talk to each other. If we would interrupt, my parents would say, "Please don't interrupt. You're going to have to wait. Mommy and daddy are talking now." Obviously if it were a matter of health or trauma, they would drop anything to help us, but usually we just wanted to ask for a snack. They knew their relationship was the rock that held us together.
4. They are best friends. They legitimately enjoy spending time together. If they are ever doing an activity with out the other they will say, "I wish your mom/dad were here. They would really enjoy this." Then, more often than not, they will go back to do that activity together. They love each other obviously - they always have. More than that, they ENJOY each other.
Overall, my parents' love for each other is magical and inspiring. I look forward to many long years of marriage with my husband.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Late in the Game
With Labor Day quickly approaching, my husband and I (did I mention I got married this summer? More details to follow) decided to start camping. Now, most folks would buy camping stuff at the beginning of the summer, but we decided to wait to the end of August. Lucky for us some of the best camping happens in September.

My siblings and a few close family friends in front of the "The World's Largest Tiger Muskie" in Nevis, MN.
This Labor Day weekend, I am introducing Nate to Nevis, MN as we head up to do some leisure camping at Camper's Paradise where we have booked a lake front site. We are excited to break in our new gear.
Forgive me for not blogging regularly. Consistency has never been my thing. I tend to do things on a whim of passion.
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